Incentives for manufactured homes

Heating and Cooling Thermostat

Investing in energy efficiency is a smart move that increases the value, appeal, and comfort of your home. Cash incentives can cover the upfront costs of qualifying high-efficiency improvements, so you can enjoy greater savings and comfort for years to come.

Manufactured homes are eligible for many other incentives in addition to those listed below. Visit the Find Savings page to learn more about qualified products, services, and how to apply.


Important Home Energy Savings program changes –As of January 1, 2022

 As of January 1, 2022, Pacific Power has implemented changes to the Pacific Power Wattsmart Home Energy Savings program in Washington that affect incentives for HVAC, heat pump water heaters, smart thermostats and more. These changes are part of the adaptive management strategy for the Home Energy Savings program for the 2022-2023 biennium and are designed to increase residential energy savings. Higher customer and trade ally incentives are intended to offset increased equipment costs and labor shortages that have developed over the last two years. Changes are also intended to increase the equitable distribution of benefits and inform utility actions specific to the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA).

View a summary of changes and incentive tables with marked changes. If you have questions, call toll free 1-855-805-7231 or email us

Incentives for manufactured homes

Heating and Cooling Thermostat

Investing in energy efficiency is a smart move that increases the value, appeal, and comfort of your home. Cash incentives can cover the upfront costs of qualifying high-efficiency improvements, so you can enjoy greater savings and comfort for years to come.

Manufactured homes are eligible for many other incentives in addition to those listed below. Visit the Find Savings page to learn more about qualified products, services, and how to apply.


Outdoor Heat Pumps

Manufactured homes smart thermostats

Get up to $100 cash back


Sealing and Insulating Ducts

Manufactured homes
duct sealing

Get up to $500 cash back.


Ductless Heat Pump

Manufactured homes
ductless heat pumps

Get $1,400 cash back.


Family smiling and reading book

Manufactured homes evaporative coolers

Get up to $375 cash back. 


Outdoor Heat Pumps

Manufactured homes
heat pumps

Get up to $1,750 cash back.


Manufactured Homes Insulation

Manufactured homes

Get up to $0.94/sq.ft cash back.


Central Air Conditioners

Manufactured homes
central air conditioners

Get $93 cash back.


Manufactured Homes Insulation

Manufactured homes

Get up to $1.00/sq.ft cash back.


Upgraded Large Suburban House

New manufactured homes

Get up to $2,750 cash back.